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Monday, April 7, 2014

BlackBerry 9720 Specification, Price and Review

Let's see the BlackBerry 9720

BlackBerry 9720 Price:

12500 Indian Rupee Approx.

205 US Dollar Approx.

150 EUR Approx.

BlackBerry 9720 reviews:

User Opinion 1:

this is my opinion of the Blackberry 9720 which i congratulate RIM for accormodating the low and middle class people with a low budget phone:
I have this phone for a week now and it treats my services with ease it's friendly to use for a low budget phone and with it's not so complicated specs.
I was using Curve 8520 since October 2011 and upgrading to the 9720 4 days ago I did not experience any errors at all up to now which i did the following to make sure i have my personal items from my trusted 8520.

on 9720...
1. I re-registered on blackberryID; protect and created password protection -which RIM will make you are that that your services from the other device will be discontinued.
2. opened blackberry desktop and saved data from my 8520.
3. and then choose an option to transfer data to a new phone (this will take few moments.)
4. go through the e-mails set-up passwords and your apps to run(all your mails and features how you set them up on the old phone will be there like e.g. fonts style/size and all the apps.)

for Me as a low budget phone I upgraded to I find no hussle at all and the keypad oh it's like haven, though it's touch screen (it doesn't pop-up the key pad, which I don't like and it's a bonus for Me.) and you can touch your way through the web pages and move them left or right like pages even though some apps makes u touch the screen as the track-pad don't go to their taskbars.
I set it up to meet my daily use under All menu: I created folders where I will move all my e-mail icons into, the apps and the phone features icons according to their catigories how i want them and all those I use alot i marked them as favorite so that i can find them under one page of favorites and then unmark the other manu panel pages -All; Frequent; Media and Downloads. Take notice of the on board memory and try to reduce the apps and the fun part is that the phone has an app for that to notice and it pops up the apps which you can move to the SD memory or the ones you can remove.

So far I cannot judge it otherwise except that i am happy with it and the lightness it's not heavy i can use it with one hand friendly or with both unlike the other big phones which forces to be used with both hands or put it flat on the table or lap and start typing.

Please guys don't compare this phone with other phones because i think it was designed as low budget phone to meet the level of the low and middle market class it is unique and has it's own way on how to approach it. I think it will be suitable for those who don't expect too much out of a phone but for simple things to meet their daily needs.

Advise: go to the store fiddle with the demo on display and see if you will can manage that through out your daily life that's what i did and i was curious to find out what it can do more. i came on GSM and learned the specs i noticed it's a Curve 8520 x2 and I liked it becuase i just can't find myself flirting with a different brand even though i have a Samsung pocket which i like too for other reasons of cause.

User Opinion 2:

D phone is nice , jst dat I experience hanging problem on it seriously, and also wen I have a ping on it the led light will start blinking and d screen light as well will be blinking.I want to know if other blackberry 9720 does dat or it is only frm my own? U can reply me through my mail thanks. Peter from Nigeria.

User Opinion 3:

Well buddy, first you must be understand. That Blackberry OS, Android OS, Windows Phone OS and iOS by Apple are different platforms and different market share for sure :)
If you like to get entertainment go to Android, iOS and if you like to get engaged with microsoft products get Windows phone, while if you're a busy and texting also someone whose comfort with communication also secure as well as privacy, Blackberry is the one and only. :)
Blackberry 9720 is designed to give you the experience of being formal as well as being fun. No one can beat the comfortable of typing in a physical qwerty keyboard.
Plus this device is running Blackberry OS 7.1 and has the touchscreen thus you can browsing your favorite websites with your fingers to zoom out and zoom in. Also megapixel camera and 3G.
The battery strength in smartphone is essential and this device stands for that.
So good luck for your purchase this device.
Ah don't forget there are many other Blackberry devices that you might want to sneak a peek as well
Awan - Indonesia

User Opinion 4:

the memory for Me since i've been using it is never and issue, you can refer to an option of deleting languages you don't use to create more RAM which will improve performance of the phone (i hardly noticed this with the 8520) in the phone that will give more room for extra apps and the App monitor will remind you everytime if you have background apps still active if you doing other things on the phone and it will de-active them for you (which you can opt to not to if you want, if the phone has less than 10MB that's when it becomes slow but the app monitor notifies when it nears 30MB;) you can also delete apps you don't use which you will find in the Blackberry World under "My World Unstalled" for Me so far as I mentioned for an upgraded from 8520(used for few years) to 9720 I still notice a huge difference and the tricks RIM allows in this phone to play around with.

User Opinion 5:

 Dnt go for tis fone,its always hangs a lot,poor camera quality,its touch also hangs sevral times in a day,I used it for one week and am mad,battery wil remain frm mrnin to evening with normal cals and whatsapp use,not handy,am goin to sell tis fone,blackberry 9780 is the one and only good fone frm blackberry,bt they stopped,BB pls start the production of 9780 again,lot of people wants it.its a good fone ,good keypad,good battery and very handy missing that beautiful 9780


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