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Monday, April 7, 2014

BlackBerry Q10 Specification, Price and Review


Let's see the BlackBerry Q10

BlackBerry Q10 Price:

22000 Indian Rupee Approx.

370US Dollar Approx.

270 EUR Approx.

BlackBerry Q10 reviews:

User Opinion 1:

I've noticed a lot of people writing negative comments about blackberry (the company) and the new q10. Firstly if you do not like blackberry then don't go on comment on their products. People read these reviews for useful information about products they like. Nobody cares that you don't like blackberry so keep your opinion to yourself if it's not useful. Secondly this phone isn't even out yet, how can you comment on a phone you have never used. And thirdly, you should seriously start to respect other people's preferences and likes. By not doing this you are publicly announcing that you are an arrogant pathetic individual. People have different tastes and needs, get over it. Please refrain from writing on these review sites as your simply wasting everybody's time.

User Opinion 2:

Just have my Q10 for 5 days now. Shortlisted HTC one, Experia Z1, iPhone 5 and Galaxy S4. All great phones but my problem was with the touchscreen keyboards. My phone is a workhorse not a toy so I don't play games on the thing. I need exellent email functions, diary, camera and speed. Offcourse a brilliant keyboard. Had a BB Torch 9810 that was good although a bit(very) slow. Was worried about the BB takeover ext. but took the leap of faith with this phone. I can gladly report back that it is brilliant!! Keyboard better than anything out there. Speed on Facebook, Browsing, downloads.....Great. Camera amazing, even in low light. Docs on the go, music and file manager. Impressive. Absolutely love this phone and so glad, although tempted, I stayed away from pure touchscreen. If working on the go is you. This phone won't dissapoint.

User Opinion 3:

BAD BAD BAD BLACKBERRY A LOT OF PROBLEMS Don t buy it, this phone make alone calls my privacy was destroyed, touch is shit impossible to answer because touch is blocked, battery level sometimes show that is charged sometimes is low i dont understand i send to repair and again same problems... BLACKBERRY CHANGE JOB PLEASE YOU ARENT ABLE TO MAKE QUALITY PHONES,yes design its very nice, qwerty also, push service email the best i like but we need quality phone for business, i cant lost clients because thay make calls alone or because i cant answer...STOP MAKE TOUCH SCREEN... i USED ALL VERSION OF BLACKBERRY AND EVERY ONE HAVE A PROBLEM... i thinked that this new was better but i wrong... sorry x my english

User Opinion 4:

Good solid phone, does not twist or creak. Keyboard almost as good as the first blackberry which lasted 9 years before the wheely thing broke. Dropped the old one 4 times a week for 9 years, never mattered! Not so sure about this one yet.
Battery lasts 3-4 days. Screen good for messages. Love the hub so efficient. Paid $340 for phone without a binding contract. Pay $60 a month for unlimited everything across Canada & 2G data.
Grabs WiFi really well.
Primary use is business. Apps are just thinly veiled things to pry in your data and direct target ads to you, NO THANKS. Even the weather Ap or bar code reader wants to know where I am & read my info!!!!!
Skype works! One app I tolerate.

Don't like: Alarm & sleep mode need better integration. Turning alarm off is hit & miss especially when removing from the case, totally weird.
The purple 'time' screen can be very elusive. The thin rubber between the screen & case edge has some rough spots where it was not fitted very well.

It does a lot of small things well which make you appreciate the phone. Non slip back, change battery easily, screen illuminates when removed from ear, good audio & speaker, (my son's I phone 5 audio always sounds terrible).
For those many people who find price an issue on here they need to look at total cost of ownership of a cell phone or wait for the Q5 to save a little. Worry about the provider cost, not the phone! Do these people loose their phones every few months and have to buy a replacement?

Hoping to get another 9 years from my second Blackberry.

User Opinion 5:

What a disappointment.... I had the 9900, the 9800, the one before that and the one before that.... The reason RIM is going down the toilet is simple, the product is getting worse.... This phone has some good ideas, but it needs the track pad, and dial and hangup buttons. The phone firmware is flaky! it doesnt start properly after being turned off, needing to be rebooted from a reboot is not ideal! The connection with Link software on MAC is appalling , sometimes it works, sometimes it doesnt. The keyboard is the best thing about this phone, but it isnt enough to make anyone want it! And trust me, thats saying something because I hate iphone and samsung touch screens..... I should have reaslised that I could buy a replacement 9900 for the same price as they are selling the Q10! Says it all really! DONT BUY THIS.... RIM deserves to be punished...... sadly.


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